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Organic materials like dry leaf, paddy straw, paddy husk, jowar trash, saw dust, dry grass, dry sugarcane leaves, dry coconut leaves, coconut husk etc., and Organic mulches are safe as they will get decomposed into soil but their availability is the issue.

White-black – it is expected to transfer more than 60% of the photoactive radiation into the plant resulting in enhanced growth, thicker and stronger leaves. This film cools the soil. Silver-black – it's the most popular type of Mulch used in farming and is suitable for all crops.

Mulching helps to reduce moisture evaporation from the soil, diminish and maintain a more constant soil temperature [17–19], and this is also very important for the crop growth and yield. Natural organic mulch eventually breaks down and adds organic material back into the soil.

Shade Nets are lightweight knitted Polyethylene fabrics which are brought in use to bring about the protection from Sun's heat and the ultraviolet radiations which we or the plants might be exposed to unknowingly.

Most vegetables do well under 30% shade cloth, especially tomatoes, eggplants and capsicums and other heat tolerant vegetables. Darker leaf vegetables, such as chard and spinach and sensitive vegetables like lettuce, do well under 60% shade cloth. Flowers are often grown under 60% as well.

Standard shade sails are manufactured from shade cloth, a porous fabric that allows air to pass through it freely. Therefore, shade cloth alone is not waterproof.

After being pressed into bales, the crop is sealed airtight by being wrapped in film with an overlap. This creates the conditions necessary for a successful ensiling process. Strictly requiring low oxygen levels, this process converts carbohydrates into preserving lactic acid. /p>

The film most commonly chosen for bale silage is made of polyethylene, the most widely used plastic in the world. The starting product for this material is ethylene - a gas synthesized from crude oil and natural gas.

The most widely used films come in shades of green, in black or in white. Some manufacturers also offer transparent films, which make it possible to spot directly not only which crop is contained in the bale but also if the contents of the bale has suffered any noxious fermentation caused by damage or inadequate ensiling.

Unlike other forms of irrigation, such as sprinklers that are only 65-75% efficient, drip irrigation 90% efficient at allowing plants to use the water applied. And, it reduces runoff and evaporation.

In principle, there are two types of drip irrigation: Sub-surface drip irrigation - Water is applied below the soil surface. Surface drip irrigation - Water is applied directly to the soil surface.

These covered structures are constructed in the field in order to protect crops from the weather (rain, wind, cool or warm temperatures), as well as in some cases, pests. High tunnels offer an intermediate level of environmental control - a growing system between row covers and greenhouses.

These are tomatoes, cucumbers, corn, and peppers. They are currently the most popular, as well as profitable, crops for high tunnel production.

A polytunnel (also known as a polyhouse, hoop greenhouse or hoophouse, grow tunnel or high tunnel) is a tunnel typically made from steel and covered in polyethylene, usually semi-circular, square or elongated in shape.