+91 91824 96433 oakland.biotech@gmail.com


Our Products
Make Farming Easier

Agriculture plays a vital role in the Indian Economy. Seventy percent of the rural households depend on agriculture as their principal means of livelihood. Agriculture provides food and raw material and employs a majority of the labor force in most developing countries. We introduced an extensive range of protected advanced farming techniques and innovative products over the years, intending to improve farm productivity and quality to increase farm income. We have a team of innovative thinkers, product designers, developers, and people who believe in care for the customer’s benefit.


Our mission is to be recognised as one of the best and affordable brand in the agricultural products by delivering the highest possible quality at best price and produce products that are convenient, economical and easily available to our customers.


Our vision is to make the agriculture more profitable to the farmers in the world, and deliver the best possible performance to make all the stakeholders of our organization happy.

Agriculture is the lifeline of all industries and no one understands this better than us!